Log MessagesPage 120421 service not available, closing transmission channel432 A password transition is needed450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable451 Requested action aborted: error in processing452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage453 No mail454 TLS not available due to temporary reason. Encryption required for requestedauthentication mechanism455 Server unable to accommodate parameters458 Unable to queue message for node459 Node not allowed: 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments502 Command not implemented503 Bad sequence of commands504 Command parameter not implemented510 Check the recipient address512 cannot be found. Unknown host515 Destination mailbox address invalid517 Problem with senders mail attribute, check properties521 does not accept mail (see RFC1846)522 Recipient has exceeded mailbox limit523 Server limit exceeded. Message too large530 Encryption required for authentication mechanism531 Mail system full533 Remote server has insufficient disk space to hold email534 Authentication mechanism is too weak. Message too big535 Authentication unsuccessful/Bad username or password538 Encryption required for authentication mechanism550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable551 User not local, please try 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed554 Transaction failed555 MAIL FROM/RCPT TO parameters not recognised or not implementedTCP/IP error messagesThe following table shows the TCP/IP error messages:1001 General Error1002 Invalid socket descriptor1003 Invalid parameter1004 It would have blocked1005 Not enough memory in memory pool