Communications MenuPage 88To make test calls at a set time every day select Daily, then select a number between 01and 24 to choose the time of day for the call. For example, select 18 to program the controlunit to make a static test call at 6:00pm every day.To make test calls on the same day every week, select Weekly, then select the day of theweek on which the call should take place. Next, key in the hour of the day (01 to 24) onwhich the test call should occur.To make test calls on one day every month, select Monthly, then select a number between1 and 31 to specify the day of the month on which the call should take place. Next, key inthe hour of the day (01 to 24) on which the test call should occur.For each of the three types of call, the control unit will add or subtract up to 16 minutes atrandom to the hour you specified. This is to make sure that the ARC is not overwhelmedwith a flood of test calls from systems that have all been given the same time.Select Communications – ARC Reporting – Static Test Call – Disabled to disable statictest calls.Unset CommsUse this option to prevent the system sending excessive communications traffic while thesystem is unset.EnabledThe control unit communicates all signals regardless of whether the system is set orunset.DisabledThe control unit sends tampers, mains fail and other status signals when the systemis set, but not when it is unset.Speech DiallerThe control unit has a built-in speech dialler, which can record five speech messagesusing its internal microphone and replay them to a specified telephone numbers to reportan alarm. One message is called the “Home message”, and is always played at thebeginning of a report. You should use this message to identify the control unit and itslocation. The other four messages (Message 1-4) allow you to record some indication ofthe type of event causing an alarm, for example: “Fire” or “Hold Up Alarm”. The control unitplays these messages after the Home Message.Using the Triggers option, you link each Message 1-4 with a specific trigger (eventcategory) you wish to report. You then select a set of destinations for each message. Eachdestination specifies one of the telephone numbers you wish the control unit to call whenthe event occurs.If the control unit has Call Acknowledge enabled (see page 90), the person receiving thespeech messages can control the link by sending DTMF tones back to the control unit(usually by pressing buttons on the telephone key pad). The commands available areshown in Table 11.