Lumina 35 Installer38INSTALLER → VENTILATION → SETTINGS → tab page Relay.Rotation time Setting of the period after which the relays rotate.Output address Setting of the combi relay addresses.Rotate Setting indicating if fans, controlled by the combi-relays, rotate in a certain sequence.INSTALLER → VENTILATION → INLETS → tab page InletDescription Setting of the name of the function.Temp. inputs Setting the addresses of the analog inputs. If the temperature sensors have not beenassigned, the control computer will use the house temperature.Output address Setting of the analog output address.Analog type Setting indicating the analog control typeDuring mech.vent. Setting if the air inlet is open or closed during this phase.• FOLLOW COMBI: according to the percentage in the combi-table (normal setting).• CLOSED: close (the curtain at the side of house where the fans are placed must beclosed during mechanical ventilation).• CLOSED UNTIL: close until a certain combi step, from this step the inlet will followthe combi-table.During nat.vent Setting indicating if the extra inlets have to be open or closed during natural ventilation.• CLOSED: close (normal setting)• FOLLOW NAT.: if this air inlet must follow the natural curtain (e.g. tunnel curtainswhich also have to open during natural ventilation).