5-184 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5the new command frame arrives within the five-second period, the FlexLogic operands are updated, and the five-secondtimer restarts. This setting enables or disables the control. When enabled, all 16 operands for each aggregator are active;when disabled, all 16 operands for each aggregator remain reset.Table 5-21: FlexLogic operands supported by aggregatorSETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT PMU AGGREGATOR 1(2) 90-5 AGGR 1(2)CONFIGURATIONPMU AGGREGATOR 1 NAME — A user-defined visible string of characters (maximum 56) to identify the source of the stream.This value, concatenated with the Aggregator IDCode and Aggregator Class of Service, is mapped into the IEC 61850MSVID filed in the output stream. The field allows 65 characters, but uses the first 56 characters.AGGREGATOR 1: PHYSICAL PORT — This setting determines the physical ports through which the synchrophasor traffic istransmitted. The range is 1, 2, 3.PMU AGGREGATOR 1: UDP PORT — This setting selects the UDP port number that is used by this dataset for network reporting.A default setting value for IEC 6150-90-5 is provided.PMU AGGREGATOR 1: NUMBER OF ASDUs — This setting sets the number of Application Service Data Units (ASDUs) from 1through to 4.Table 5-22: Number of ASDUsOperand type Operand syntax Operand descriptionELEMENT:Synchrophasor, phasor data,concentratorAGTR1 PDC CNTRL 1 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 1, asreceived via the networkas above AGTR1 PDC CNTRL 2 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 2 asreceived via the networkas above AGTR1 PDC CNTRL 3 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 3 asreceived via the networkas above AGTR1 PDC CNTRL 16 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 16, asreceived via the networkas above AGTR2 PDC CNTRL 1 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 1 asreceived via the networkas above AGTR2 PDC CNTRL 2 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 2 asreceived via the networkas above AGTR2 PDC CNTRL 3 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 3 asreceived via the networkas above AGTR1 PDC CNTRL 16 Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 16, asreceived via the network 90-5 AGGR 1 CONFIGURATION PMU AGGREGATOR 1NAME:Range: 56-character ASCII text (blank by default) PMU AGGREGATOR 1PORT: 1Range: 1, 2, 3 PMU AGGREGATOR 1UDP PORT: 102Range: 0 to 65534 in steps of 1 PMU AGGREGATOR 1NUMBER OF ASDUs: 1Range: 1 to 4Settings forASDUTransmission1 ASDU at T0 (current values)2 ASDU at T-1 (previous values) + ASDU at T0 (current values)3 ASDU at T-2 (previous values) + ASDU at T-1 (previous values) + ASDU at T0 (current values)