6-10 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSTATUS CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES6These actual values represent the state of direct devices 1 through EGD protocol status6.3.18.1 Fast exchangeACTUAL VALUES STATUS EGD PROTOCOL STATUS PRODUCER STATUS FAST EXCHANGE 1These values provide information for debugging an Ethernet Global Data (EGD) network. The EGD signature and packet sizefor the fast EGD exchange display. Slow exchangeACTUAL VALUES STATUS EGD PROTOCOL STATUS PRODUCER STATUS SLOW EXCHANGE 1(2)These values provide information for debugging an EGD network. The EGD signature and packet size for the slow EGDexchanges display.6.3.19 Teleprotection channel testsACTUAL VALUES STATUS TELEPROT CH TESTSThe status information for two channels is shown here.CHANNEL 1 STATUS — This represents the receiver status of each channel. If the value is “OK,” teleprotection is enabled anddata is being received from the remote terminal; If the value is “FAIL,” teleprotection enabled and data is not being receivedfrom the remote terminal. If “n/a,” teleprotection is disabled.CHANNEL 1 LOST PACKETS — Data is transmitted to the remote terminals in data packets at a rate of two packets per cycle.The number of lost packets represents data packets lost in transmission; this count can be reset to 0 through theCOMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu.VALIDITY OF CHANNEL CONFIGURATION — This value displays the current state of the communications channel identificationcheck, and hence validity. If a remote relay ID does not match the programmed ID at the local relay, the “FAIL” messagedisplays. The “N/A” value appears if the local relay ID is set to a default value of “0,” the channel is failed, or if theteleprotection inputs/outputs are not enabled. FAST EXCHANGE 1 FAST EXCHANGE 1SIGNATURE: 0 FAST EXCHANGE 1DATA LENGTH: 0 SLOW EXCHANGE 1 SLOW EXCHANGE 1SIGNATURE: 0 SLOW EXCHANGE 1DATA LENGTH: 0 TELEPROT CH TESTS CHANNEL 1STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 1 LOSTPACKETS: 1Range: 1 to 65535 in steps of 1 CHANNEL 2STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 2 LOSTPACKETS: 1Range: 1 to 65535 in steps of 1 VALIDITY OF CHANNELCONFIGURATION: FAILRange: n/a, FAIL, OK