APPENDIX C: COMMAND LINE INTERFACE COMMAND LINE INTERFACEC60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL C-3CExample of a batch file that checks for an error (this batch file uses standard batch file operations to check the returncode (ERRORLEVEL) and jump to an error handler):SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC login -d demoDevice -a SETTINGS -w WrongPassword -A traditionalIF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO FAILEDSetupCLI URPC putsettings -d demoDevice -f "example file.urs"SetupCLI URPC inservice -d demoDeviceSetupCLI URPC reboot -d demoDeviceSetupCLI URPC exitexit:FAILEDecho Please try againexitFor CyberSentry devices with local authentication — Set to "local" . Set to"Supervisor", "Administrator", "Engineer", "Operator", or "Observer".For CyberSentry devices with RADIUS authentication — Set to "radius". Set to theuser's account on the RADIUS server.SetupCLI logout -d [-s]Log out of device .Example: SetupCLI URPC logout -d C30SetupCLI getsettings -d -f [-s]Read settings from device and save them to the .urs file . The must not already exist. The defaultpath to the output file is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\GE Power Management\URPC\DataExample: SetupCLI URPC getsettings -d C30 -f "C30 Markham.urs"Example of a batch file to retrieve a settings file:SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC getsettings -d demoDevice -f C:\example.ursSetupCLI URPC exitExample of a batch file to retrieve a settings file from a relay that requires RADIUS authentication:SetupCLI URPC startSetupCLI URPC login -d demoDevice -a %1 -w %2 -A radiusSetupCLI URPC getsettings -d demoDevice -f "example file.urs"SetupCLI URPC logout -d demoDeviceSetupCLI URPC exitAlthough a user name and password could have been entered in this batch file, it would have created a security risk.Batch files allow you to pass in runtime parameters and refer to them in your script as %1, %2, and so on. For example,if this file is called example.bat, one calls it as follows: "example.bat MyUserName MyPassword"SetupCLI putsettings -d -f [-s]Write the settings file to the device .For CyberSentry devices, putsettings is only supported for users with the "Administrator" role.Example: SetupCLI URPC putsettings -d C30 -f "C30 Markham.urs" PreviousNext |