5-316 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALINPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5DIRECT INPUT 5 DEVICE ID = “2”DIRECT INPUT 5 BIT NUMBER = “12”UR IED 2:DIRECT OUT 12 OPERAND = “Cont Ip 1 On”The Cont Ip 1 On operand of UR IED 2 is now available in UR IED 1 as DIRECT INPUT 5 ON.Example 2: Interlocking busbar protectionA simple interlocking busbar protection scheme can be accomplished by sending a blocking signal from downstreamdevices, say 2, 3 and 4, to the upstream device that monitors a single incomer of the busbar, as shown in the figure.Figure 5-172: Sample interlocking busbar protection schemeAssume that Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent 1 is used by Devices 2, 3, and 4 to block Device 1. If not blocked, Device 1trips the bus upon detecting a fault and applying a short coordination time delay.The following settings are applied (assume Bit 3 is used by all 3 devices to send the blocking signal and Direct Inputs 7, 8,and 9 are used by the receiving device to monitor the three blocking signals).UR IED 2:DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: "PHASE IOC1 OP"UR IED 3:DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: "PHASE IOC1 OP"UR IED 4:DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: "PHASE IOC1 OP"UR IED 1:DIRECT INPUT 7 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 7 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 7 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityDIRECT INPUT 8 DEVICE ID: "3"DIRECT INPUT 8 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 8 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityDIRECT INPUT 9 DEVICE ID: "4"DIRECT INPUT 9 BIT NUMBER: "3"DIRECT INPUT 9 DEFAULT STATE: select "On" for security, select "Off" for dependabilityNow the three blocking signals are available in UR IED 1 as DIRECT INPUT 7 ON, DIRECT INPUT 8 ON, and DIRECT INPUT 9 ON. Upon losingcommunications or a device, the scheme is inclined to block (if any default state is set to “On”), or to trip the bus on anyovercurrent condition (all default states set to “Off”).Example 3: Pilot-aided schemesConsider a three-terminal line protection application shown in the following figure.