5-192 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFLEXLOGIC CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5ELEMENT:GroundinstantaneousovercurrentGROUND IOC1 PKPGROUND IOC1 OPGROUND IOC1 DPOGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outGROUND IOC2 to 8 Same set of operands as shown for GROUND IOC 1ELEMENT:Ground timeovercurrentGROUND TOC1 PKPGROUND TOC1 OPGROUND TOC1 DPOGround time overcurrent 1 has picked upGround time overcurrent 1 has operatedGround time overcurrent 1 has dropped outGROUND TOC2 to 4 Same set of operands as shown for GROUND TOC1ELEMENT:Non-volatile latchesLATCH 1 ONLATCH 1 OFFNon-volatile latch 1 is ON (Logic = 1)Non-volatile latch 1 is OFF (Logic = 0)LATCH 2 to 16 Same set of operands as shown for LATCH 1ELEMENT:NeutralinstantaneousovercurrentNEUTRAL IOC1 PKPNEUTRAL IOC1 OPNEUTRAL IOC1 DPONeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL IOC2 to 8 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL IOC1ELEMENT:Neutral overvoltageNEUTRAL OV1 PKPNEUTRAL OV1 DPONEUTRAL OV1 OPNeutral overvoltage element 1 has picked upNeutral overvoltage element 1 has dropped outNeutral overvoltage element 1 has operatedNEUTRAL OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL OV1ELEMENT:Neutral timeovercurrentNEUTRAL TOC1 PKPNEUTRAL TOC1 OPNEUTRAL TOC1 DPONeutral time overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral time overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral time overcurrent 1 has dropped outNEUTRAL TOC2 to 6 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL TOC1ELEMENT:Open pole detectorOPEN POLE OP φAOPEN POLE OP φBOPEN POLE OP φCOPEN POLE BKR φA OPOPEN POLE BKR φB OPOPEN POLE BKR φC OPOPEN POLE BLK NOPEN POLE BLK ABOPEN POLE BLK BCOPEN POLE BLK CAOPEN POLE REM OP φAOPEN POLE REM OP φBOPEN POLE REM OP φCOPEN POLE OPOPEN POLE I< φAOPEN POLE I< φBOPEN POLE I< φCOpen pole condition is detected in phase AOpen pole condition is detected in phase BOpen pole condition is detected in phase CBased on the breaker(s) auxiliary contacts, an open pole condition is detectedon phase ABased on the breaker(s) auxiliary contacts, an open pole condition is detectedon phase BBased on the breaker(s) auxiliary contacts, an open pole condition is detectedon phase CBlocking signal for neutral, ground, and negative-sequence overcurrentelement is establishedBlocking signal for the AB phase distance elements is establishedBlocking signal for the BC phase distance elements is establishedBlocking signal for the CA phase distance elements is establishedRemote open pole condition detected in phase ARemote open pole condition detected in phase BRemote open pole condition detected in phase COpen pole detector is operatedOpen pole undercurrent condition is detected in phase AOpen pole undercurrent condition is detected in phase BOpen pole undercurrent condition is detected in phase CELEMENT:OverfrequencyOVERFREQ 1 PKPOVERFREQ 1 OPOVERFREQ 1 DPOOverfrequency 1 has picked upOverfrequency 1 has operatedOverfrequency 1 has dropped outOVERFREQ 2 to 4 Same set of operands as shown for OVERFREQ 1ELEMENT:Synchrophasorphasor dataconcentratorPDC NETWORK CNTRL 1PDC NETWORK CNTRL 2↓PDC NETWORK CNTRL 16Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 1 as received via the networkPhasor data concentrator asserts control bit 2 as received via the network↓Phasor data concentrator asserts control bit 16 as received via the networkOperand type Operand syntax Operand description