GE Grid Solutions D25User's ManualGE Information 994-0081-3.00-21 101Downloading a Configuration, ContinuedPrerequisitesfor Serial CodeDownloadThe following must be available before a FLASH code file can be loaded intoa D25’s FLASH memory:• Windows PC with terminal emulation communication software loaded.• The code file, in the Motorola S-record format, located on a local hard drive. Ifthe file is located on a network or floppy drive, the download may besignificantly slower.− This file typically will be named either:down.shx, orsalxxxx.shx• A WESMAINT cable to connect the PC to the D25’s WESMAINT port.Before Starting • This procedure will suspend all operation of the D25, and following thedownload, the unit will probably require a configuration download before itbecomes operational.• Consult your System Administrator for access and authorization to performsystem download procedures.• In Application Monitor, (i.e., when the D25A> prompt is displayed)configuration files can be downloaded — but code cannot be downloaded.• To download code, System Monitor (i.e., when the D25S> prompt is displayed)must be running.Procedure:Download filesSteps to download a firmware file to the D25’s FLASH memoryStep ActionAccess Application Monitor1 Connect the WESMAINT serial cable from PC to the D25’sWESMAINT port2 Start terminal emulation communication software on the PC, andconfigure it as follows:− 9600 Bps− 8 bit− no parity− VT100 emulation− Xon/Xoff (software) flow control enabledNote If the D25 has no code file loaded, or it has detected a corrupt FLASH file,you will have to go directly to Step 8 and log directly into the monitor.