GE Grid Solutions D25User's ManualGE Information 994-0081-3.00-21 35Digital Inputs, ContinuedDigital InputThresholdsThe table shows the on and off state thresholds for each of the listed D25digital input card options. Before connecting field wiring, refer to the table todetermine the suitability of the installed option.Verify that inputs do not exceed the maximum overload voltage, or damage tothe card may result.Card Type 32 InputPart #sOn Threshold Off Threshold OverloadVoltageMax. PowerDissipation/InputLow Voltage Digital Input Cards12V / 5 mA 517-0485 >8 V <4 V 16.8 V 130 mW24V / 5 mA 517-0486 >18 V <10 V 33.6 V 210 mW24V / 10 mA 517-0490 >18 V <10 V 33.6 V 530 mW48V / 5 mA 517-0487 >35 V <16 V 67.2 V 470 mWHigh Voltage Digital Input Cards120V / 1.6 mA 517-0488 >80 V <40 V 144 V 290 mW250V / 1.2 mA 517-0489 >160 V <80 V 300 V 450 mWNote The inputs of all variants of the D25 digital input cards are not polaritysensitive: they are bipolar, and are isolated from the D25’s internal powersupply.FuseMonitoringD25 digital input modules include circuitry that detects the presence ofwetting voltage after it has passed through the fuse F1.Software in the D25 Plant I/O Subsystem (P097 V2.30 or greater) responds tothe signals from each of the three D25 digital input modules and createspseudo digital inputs that can be seen in the D25 System Point Database.If fuse F1 opens or the wetting voltage is removed from the digital inputmodule for any reason, the pseudo DI for that module will change state andset an alarm. If a D25 digital input module is not present, the pseudo DI pointwill remain in the Off state.Note: Fuse monitoring can only detect a wetting voltage if the D25 digitalinput module is configured for supplied or external wetting.If the module is configured for voltage detect the fuse monitoringcircuitry will not sense any wetting voltage, and remains in the Offstate