GE Grid Solutions D25User's ManualGE Information 994-0081-3.00-21 69Communications Ports, ContinuedSerialWESMAINTCableTo connect a PC to the D25, use a WESMAINT II+ cable (GE part number977-0048/96), or equivalent. Attach the 9-pin female jack of theWESMAINT II+ cable to the D25, and the other end of the WESMAINT II+cable to a PC,Schematic for this cable:Terminal - DB-9 Female WESMN/CRXDTXDN/CCOMN/CN/CN/CN/C123456789COM1D25 MAINTDisplay PortThe DB-9-F D25 MAINT display interface option provides a local port foroptional display devices.This port located on the back panel provides:• fixed communication parameters• RS-485 interface• 2-wire or 4-wire interface, selected using SGConfig− a 2-wire cable is required for 2-wire operation, see cable schematic below.