D25User's Manual GE Grid Solutions52 994-0081-3.00-21 GE InformationControl Outputs, ContinuedD25KE DB-25Combined R/Land T/CTrip/Close and Raise/Lower digital outputs can be used on the same D25KEDB-25 module.Note The three examples shown below are the only recommended configurationoptions for combining trip/close and raise/lower in one D25KE.Do Not configure raise/lower points with point numbers lower than thetrip/close point numbers as it may result in wiring problems, and interposingrelay connection problems.Combined T/Cand R/LExample #1In the following example, the first 24 digital outputs are configured astrip/close, and the last 8 are configured as 4 raise/lower pairs.P1 connectionsfor CombinedRaise/Lowerand Trip/CloseP1T/C 9 - 16T/C 1 - 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ControlVoltageControlVoltageReturnR/L 4 - 1T/C 17 - 24