5-20 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5• Observer: This role has read only access to all UR settings. This role allows unlimited concurrent access but it has nodownload access to any files on the device. Observer is the default role if no authentication has been done to thedevice. This role displays as "None" on the front panel.The Factory service role is not available and is intended for factory use only.Local PasswordsPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSThe Change Local Passwords menu is shown on the front panel and Enervista on a successful login of Administrator role.The “login setting” in this menu is similar to the login setting described in PATH: SETTINGS > PRODUCT SETUP > SECU-RITY except for the factory role.Passwords are stored in text format. No encryption is applied.Notes:• In Device Authentication mode, the Observer role does not have a password associated with it. In Server Authentica-tion mode the Observer role requires a password.• The default password is “ChangeMe1#”.• Once the passwords are set, the Administrator with Supervisor approval can change the role associated password.• In CyberSentry, password encryption is not supported.Session SettingsPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY SESSION SETTINGSThe following session settings are available.• SESSION LOCKOUT: This setting specifies the number of failed authentications (the default is three and the maxi-mum is 99) before the device blocks subsequent authentication attempts for the lockout period. A value of zero meanslockout is disabled.• SESSION LOCKOUT PERIOD: This setting specifies the period of time in minutes of a lockout period (the default isthree and the maximum is 9999). A value of 0 means that there is no lockout period.Restore DefaultsPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY RESTORE DEFAULTS• LOAD FACTORY DEFAULTS: This setting is used to reset all the settings, communication and security passwords. AnAdministrator role is used to change this setting and a Supervisor role (if not disabled) approves it. CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSLOGIN:NoneRange: 20 Alphanumeric CharactersMESSAGE NEW PASSWORD: Range: 20 Alphanumeric CharactersMESSAGE CONFIRM PASSWORD: Range: 20 Alphanumeric Characters SESSION SETTINGSSESSION LOCKOUT:3Range: 0 to 99MESSAGE SESSION LOCKOUTPERIOD: 3 minRange: 0 to 9999 minutes RESTORE DEFAULTSLOAD FACTORYDEFAULTS: NoRange: Yes, NoNOTENOTE