GE Multilin G60 Generator Management Relay 5-255 SETTINGS 5.2 PRODUCT SETUP5The data logger samples and records up to 16 analog parameters at a user-defined sampling rate. This recorded data maybe downloaded to the EnerVista UR Setup software and displayed with ëparametersí on the vertical axis and ëtimeí on thehorizontal axis. All data is stored in non-volatile memory, meaning that the information is retained when power to the relay islost.For a fixed sampling rate, the data logger can be configured with a few channels over a long period or a larger number ofchannels for a shorter period. The relay automatically partitions the available memory between the channels in use.Changing any setting affecting Data Logger operation will clear any data that is currently in the log.ï DATA LOGGER RATE: This setting selects the time interval at which the actual value data will be recorded.ï DATA LOGGER CHNL 1(16): This setting selects the metering actual value that is to be recorded in Channel 1(16) ofthe data log. The parameters available in a given relay are dependent on: the type of relay, the type and number of CT/VT hardware modules installed, and the type and number of Analog Input hardware modules installed. Upon startup,the relay will automatically prepare the parameter list. A list of all possible analog metering actual value parameters isshown in Appendix A: FlexAnalog Parameters. The parameter index number shown in any of the tables is used toexpedite the selection of the parameter on the relay display. It can be quite time-consuming to scan through the list ofparameters via the relay keypad/display ñ entering this number via the relay keypad will cause the correspondingparameter to be displayed.ï DATA LOGGER CONFIG: This display presents the total amount of time the Data Logger can record the channels notselected to ìOffî without over-writing old data.5.2.10 USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDSa) MAIN MENUPATH: SETTINGS ! PRODUCT SETUP !" USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDSb) LED TESTPATH: SETTINGS ! PRODUCT SETUP !" USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDS ! LED TESTWhen enabled, the LED Test can be initiated from any digital input or user-programmable condition such as user-program-mable pushbutton. The control operand is configured under the LED TEST CONTROL setting. The test covers all LEDs,including the LEDs of the optional user-programmable pushbuttons.The test consists of three stages.Stage 1: All 62 LEDs on the relay are illuminated. This is a quick test to verify if any of the LEDs is ìburnedî. This stagelasts as long as the control input is on, up to a maximum of 1 minute. After 1 minute, the test will end.# USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LEDS# LED TEST# See belowMESSAGE # TRIP & ALARM# LEDS See page 5ñ27.MESSAGE # USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED1 See page 5ñ27.MESSAGE # USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED2↓MESSAGE # USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED48# LED TEST#LED TEST FUNCTION:DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled.MESSAGE LED TEST CONTROL:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandNOTE