5-172 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin5.7 INPUTS/OUTPUTS 5 SETTINGS55.7.7 REMOTE OUTPUTSa) DNA BIT PAIRSPATH: SETTINGS !" INPUTS/OUTPUTS !" REMOTE OUTPUTS DNA BIT PAIRS ! REMOTE OUPUTS DNA- 1(32) BIT PAIRRemote outputs (1 to 32) are FlexLogicô operands inserted into GSSE/GOOSE messages that are transmitted to remotedevices on a LAN. Each digital point in the message must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogicô oper-and. The above operand setting represents a specific DNA function (as shown in the following table) to be transmitted.b) USERST BIT PAIRSPATH: SETTINGS !" INPUTS/OUTPUTS !" REMOTE OUTPUTS UserSt BIT PAIRS ! REMOTE OUTPUTS UserSt- 1(32) BIT PAIRRemote outputs 1 to 32 originate as GSSE/GOOSE messages to be transmitted to remote devices. Each digital point in themessage must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogicô operand. The setting above is used to select theoperand which represents a specific UserSt function (as selected by the user) to be transmitted.The following setting represents the time between sending GSSE/GOOSE messages when there has been no change ofstate of any selected digital point. This setting is located in the PRODUCT SETUP !" COMMUNICATIONS !" IEC 61850 PROTO-COL !" GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION settings menu.The following setting determines whether remote input/output data is transported using IEC 61850 GSSE or IEC 61850GOOSE messages. If GOOSE is selected, the VLAN and APPID settings should be set accordingly. If GSSE is selected,the VLAN and APPID settings are not relevant. This setting is located in the PRODUCT SETUP !" COMMUNICATIONS !" IEC61850 PROTOCOL !" GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION menu.For more information on GSSE/GOOSE messaging, refer to Remote Inputs/Outputs Overview in theRemote Devices section.5.7.8 RESETTINGPATH: SETTINGS !" INPUTS/OUTPUTS !" RESETTING# REMOTE OUTPUTS# DNA- 1 BIT PAIRDNA- 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogicô OperandMESSAGE DNA- 1 EVENTS:DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledTable 5ñ20: IEC 61850 DNA ASSIGNMENTSDNA IEC 61850 DEFINITION FLEXLOGICô OPERAND1 Test IEC 61850 TEST MODE2 ConfRev IEC 61850 CONF REV# REMOTE OUTPUTS# UserSt- 1 BIT PAIRUserSt- 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE UserSt- 1 EVENTS:DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledDEFAULT GSSE/GOOSEUPDATE TIME: 60 sRange: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1REMOTE I/O TRANSFERMETHOD: GSSERange: GOOSE, GSSE, None# RESETTING#RESET OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandNOTE