5-64 G60 Generator Management Relay GE Multilin5.4 FLEXLOGICô 5 SETTINGS5= Virt Op 3Virt Op 4 OnVirt Op 1 OnVirt Op 2 OnVirt Ip 1 OnDIG ELEM 1 PKPXOR(2)Virt Op 3 OnOR(4)LATCH (S,R)Virt Op 3 OnTIMER 1Cont Ip H1c OnOR(3)TIMER 2= Virt Op 4ENDIn the expression above, the Virtual Output 4 input to the 4-input OR is listed before it is created. This is typical of aform of feedback, in this case, used to create a seal-in effect with the latch, and is correct.8. The logic should always be tested after it is loaded into the relay, in the same fashion as has been used in the past.Testing can be simplified by placing an "END" operator within the overall set of FlexLogicô equations. The equationswill then only be evaluated up to the first "END" operator.The "On" and "Off" operands can be placed in an equation to establish a known set of conditions for test purposes, andthe "INSERT" and "DELETE" commands can be used to modify equations.5.4.5 FLEXLOGICô EQUATION EDITORPATH: SETTINGS !" FLEXLOGIC ! FLEXLOGIC EQUATION EDITORThere are 512 FlexLogicô entries available, numbered from 1 to 512, with default ëENDí entry settings. If a "Disabled" Ele-ment is selected as a FlexLogicô entry, the associated state flag will never be set to ë1í. The ë+/ñë key may be used whenediting FlexLogicô equations from the keypad to quickly scan through the major parameter types.5.4.6 FLEXLOGICô TIMERSPATH: SETTINGS !" FLEXLOGIC !" FLEXLOGIC TIMERS ! FLEXLOGIC TIMER 1(32)There are 32 identical FlexLogicô timers available. These timers can be used as operators for FlexLogicô equations.ï TIMER 1 TYPE: This setting is used to select the time measuring unit.ï TIMER 1 PICKUP DELAY: Sets the time delay to pickup. If a pickup delay is not required, set this function to "0".ï TIMER 1 DROPOUT DELAY: Sets the time delay to dropout. If a dropout delay is not required, set this function to "0".# FLEXLOGIC# EQUATION EDITORFLEXLOGIC ENTRY 1:ENDRange: FlexLogicô parameters↓MESSAGE FLEXLOGIC ENTRY 512:ENDRange: FlexLogicô parameters# FLEXLOGIC# TIMER 1TIMER 1TYPE: millisecondRange: millisecond, second, minuteMESSAGE TIMER 1 PICKUPDELAY: 0Range: 0 to 60000 in steps of 1MESSAGE TIMER 1 DROPOUTDELAY: 0Range: 0 to 60000 in steps of 1