C-4 G60 Generator Management Relay GE MultilinC.2 ASCI CONFORMANCE APPENDIX CCc2: shall be "M" if support for LOGICAL-NODE model has been declaredc3: shall be "M" if support for DATA model has been declaredc4: shall be "M" if support for DATA-SET, Substitution, Report, Log Control, or Time models has been declaredc5: shall be "M" if support for Report, GSE, or SMV models has been declaredM: MandatoryC.2.3 ASCI SERVICES CONFORMANCE STATEMENTIn the table below, the acronym AA refers to Application Associations (TP: Two Party / MC: Multicast). The c6 to c10 entriesare defined in the notes following the table.M8-4 data-set-nameM8-5 data-referenceM8-6 BufTmM8-7 IntgPdM8-8 GILogging OM9 Log control OM9-1 IntgPdM10 Log OM11 Control M YesIF GSE (B31/32) IS SUPPORTEDGOOSE O YesM12-1 entryIDM12-2 DataReflncM13 GSSE O YesIF SVC (B41/B42) IS SUPPORTEDM14 Multicast SVC OM15 Unicast SVC OM16 Time M YesM17 File transfer O YesSERVICES AA: TP/MC SERVER/PUBLISHERUR FAMILYSERVER (CLAUSE 6)S1 ServerDirectory TP M YesAPPLICATION ASSOCIATION (CLAUSE 7)S2 Associate M YesS3 Abort M YesS4 Release M YesLOGICAL DEVICE (CLAUSE 8)S5 LogicalDeviceDirectory TP M YesLOGICAL NODE (CLAUSE 9)S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP M YesS7 GetAllDataValues TP M YesDATA (CLAUSE 10)S8 GetDataValues TP M YesS9 SetDataValues TP O YesS10 GetDataDirectory TP M YesS11 GetDataDefinition TP M YesSERVICES SERVER/PUBLISHERUR-FAMILYNOTE