CONTROL DEVICESCONTROL of the computing system is exercised bythe following four devices:Manual keyboardProgram tapeData tapeControl panelThey may serve as input devices for numericalinformation and may also transmit instructions caus-ing the computer to execute any of the functions ofwhich it is capable. (The data tape reader is normallyused for the entry of numerical data, but on occa-sion it may be used in functional control.) See blockdiagram in Figure 6.No more than one control unit may be in operationat one time; however, the unit in control can shiftautomatically from itself to any other control unit asthe needs of the problem in process dictate.MANUAL KEYBOARDThe keyboard is always in control of the machineuntil a command is issued via the keyboard to causeautomatic control by one of the other units. There-after, automatic transfer from one control to anothermay be made.Many of the functions of the manual keyboardhave already been explained. The remainder of key-board functions will be covered later in the manualin context with their application.PAPER TAPEPAPER TAPE' /programX-*—( TAPE Iy READER JCONTROLPANELT^INSTRUCTION FLOWDATA FLOWCOMPUTERFigure 6. Internal Flow Schematic19