CONTROL DEVICES 3SBAL. TESTcoJc LocoJ cLoco-lo— o- o— o — o — oBAL. TESTC+0-1 +'1-0 + 0-1 +|-0 + 0nCO-lc l-oco-l C'-OCO-'0—0— 0—0 — 0—0BAL. TESTo + p + + + +CCo-jCrOCo^CrOCo-i_oJ — Ud— O-l— Lo— CHBAL. TEST0+0 + 0+0 + 0+0c:ic:d:c:dFigure 30. Balance Test Relays When Selected Figure 31. Balance Test Relays When SelectedRegister Is Positive Register Is NegativeBelow is a simple example of the use of thebalance test concept. Suppose it is desired to performthe operation take the magnitude of a number lo-cated in any storage register, for example 01. By useof the balance test relay, the operator is able to buildthis new operation into the machine. If the numberin the register is positive, the operator wishes to leaveit undisturbed. If the number is negative, he wishesto change its sign {convert it). The wiring for thisoperation is shown in Figure 32.We have presumed that we were in the middle ofa program on the control panel. On program stepsG-6 and G-7 (arbitrarily selected) in the program,the operator selects register 01. The balance test re-lay immediately positions itself according to the signof the contents of storage register 01. By control-panel wiring, the operator now sends an impulse fromG-8 to the c terminal of a set of balance-test hubs.If the content of 01 is negative, then there is anelectrical connection between the c and — terminalson the balance-test relay, and the impulse from G-8passes through this connection to the CNV hub toinitiate the convert operation as shown. The controlpanel then goes on to program step G-9. If the con-tent of storage register 01 is positive, there is a con-nection between the c and the + terminals of thebalance test relay. Because the + terminal is not elec-trically connected to a function hub, the impulsefrom G-8 accomplishes nothing, the program con-tinues on to Steps G-9, G-10, etc., as may be requiredto perform other functions.8 9 10 II 12 13 14^CLR^ gLI^ SB 15 SLCLR RH -^ X COPYo_ .-. ._ ^• BAL. TEST0+0+0+0+0+0ocococo coco2 3o O —o-RESP.-.o-Q-o -£U,E-5 0^ N^:^^E-6^ ot^ \gU^E-7^ F-7 .tZoci^ ^F-8^ G-8^ ot5o qG-9^^^^ ot^ G-IOZ-\ 1^ ^F-ll^ ^S-llc&5> ot!3, ^1^rm. ^F-I3g c"''"oE-14 F-14 G-14H-5H-7H-8o—oH-HDH-llH-14Figure 32. Wiring for Obtaining onlyMagnitude of a Number