INTRODUCTIONFigure 1. Keyboarx)WordTke basic unit of problem data is called a word,which is 1 5 digits in length plus algebraic sign anddecimal point. The words may enter the machine viapaper tape or the keyboard, and once stored on thedrum they can be addressed for computations.The 31 -digit register size allows automatic double-precision arithmetic. For most purposes, word sizeneed not concern the operator.Selected RegisterThere are normally two factors necessary for theexecution of any arithmetic instruction. The 610 givesspecial attention to the address of the first or primefactor by designating it as the selected register. AH610 registers are capable of performing arithmeticand logical operations, and therefore are recipients ofresults. The result for an operation is placed in theselected register. This emphasis on the prime factorgives a programming advantage, because a register re-mains selected until a programming change is speci-fied. Obviously, a following instruction could bewritten supplying only an operation and a secondfactor, the machine using the selected register con-tents as the first factor. The conventions used to ex-press this and the few exceptions will be explainedin a later section.When a problem is processed in a one-time calcu-lation, instructions are given to the machine by de-pressing the keys on the keyboard. Problem solutionis therefore accomplished in a manner similar to adesk calculator. (See Figure 1.)This manual first explains machine performancein terms of manual control and subsequently pro-gresses to automatic control.Because of the advantage of operation in auto-point mode, all problems will be in the auto-pointmode unless otherwise stated.ENTRY OF DATALet us consider the entry of data, remembering thatdepression of a key activates the machine. We firstselect one of the registers by keying in its address onthe keyboard (00-79). For this operation ent isdepressed, followed by the required digits, decimalpoint, and finally the algebraic sign. The auto-point