CONTROL DEVICES 25Resuming Automatic Operation(m) (Resume)When the operator has completed the desired opera-tions on the keyboard, he reselects the register thatstood selected at the time the program was inter-rupted. He then depresses the rsm key.The depression of this key tells the machine tobegin at the point where it was interrupted by thedepression of the int key.If the operator wishes to examine the program bygoing through it step-by-step, he holds down the intkey and depresses the rsm key for each step. Becausesome operation codes have a double symbol in tapecode, two depressions are necessary for these steps. Theoperator should be careful not to depress any of thekeys capable of transferring control. If a controltransfer is depressed, there is no easy procedure forgetting back to the correct portion of the program.Note: To assure correct restart after making anerroneous key depression, the operator must carefullyanalyze what has taken place. If the error causedregister contents to be destroyed, they must be re-placed before resumption of programming.Example: Depressing (01) CLR RH in place of(01) -|- would destroy data in register 01, impossible torestore, except by restoring the original contents of 01./^^TAPESLACKBINREADER I ^APE TAP^^ | PUNCH |Figure 11. Usual Tape ArrangementIf the program is quite lengthy, the program tapecan be placed in the inside-out reel rather than dupli-cating the program each time. The tape is mountedon the inside-out reel, threaded through the readunit, and rewound on the punched-tape take-up reel.When the lengthy program has been used to processa set of data once, it can be removed from the take-upreel, placed on the inside-out reel, threaded, and theprogram is ready to run again (Figure 12).If the data punched into the data tape is to be usedrepeatedly, it can be duplicated by means of control-panel wiring or it can be passed from the inside-outreel to the take-up reel in the same manner as theprogram tape.PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT OF TAPESThe internal arrangements of the program tape anddata tape units are the same. The program tape unitis on the left side of the machine; the data tape unitis on the right. The internal arrangement is indicatedin Figure 1 1.Blank tape is loaded onto the blank tape reel andthreaded through the punch unit. For ease of opera-tion, a piece of tape from one to two feet long shouldprotrude from the punch unit at the beginning ofprogram punching. When the program is ready tobe read, the end of the tape is threaded through theread unit and affixed to the punched-tape take-upreel. The slack tape containing the program is storedin the tape slack bin.TAPESLACKBIN^ [ PUNCH/blankAFigure 12. Tape Arrangement Using Inside-OutReel