SUMMARY OF OPERATIONThe following chart is a summary of all the opera-tions covered in detail throughout this manual.KEYBOARD TYPE PROGRAM OPERATIONS, SIGNSSYMBOL SYMBOL AND DIGITSZero1 1 One2 2 Two3 3 Three4 4 Four5 5 Five6 6 Six7 7 Seven8 8 Eight9 9 Nine. , PointSEQ S SequenceTAB T TabulateENT E Enter_ — Minus+ + PlusV V Square Root, X X Multiply-T- -^ DivideSR R Shift RightSL L Shift LeftCLR C ClearDIP P Data PunchDIR D Data ReaderDEL / DeleteKB K KeyboardRO W Read OutCOPY Y CopyCP B Control PanelA A Answer Register-HX -!-.J_ Divide-MultiplyCNV >:- _ ConvertTYP =fY TypewriterSR 15 "K Shift Right 15SL 15 *L Shift Left 15CLR RH "C Clear Right HalfCR '^T Carriage ReturnREL --WReleasePTR '-B Program Reader* Indicates a doublet (2 character) tape code.MANUAL KEYBOARDFigure 55 is a sketch of the IBM 660 keyboard. Thekeyboard has the following features:43 keys 11 lights14 switches 1 cathode ray display tubeIn this section, we shall review the functions of thekeys, switches, and lights.KEYSOperation KeysBriefly summarized, the functions of these keys are:ENT prepares the machine to enter data into aregister from an input device.+ (Plus) prepares the machine to add to the con-tents of the selected register the contents of the nextaddressed register. It is also used to terminate the en-try of a positive number.— (Minus) prepares the machine to subtract fromthe contents of the selected register the contents ofthe next addressed register. It is used to terminatethe entry of a negative number.X (Multiply) prepares the machine to multiply thecontents of the selected register by the contents of thenext addressed register and place the product in theA register.-T- (Divide) prepares the machine to divide thecontents of the selected register by the contents ofthe next addressed register and place the quotient inthe A register.-=-X (Divide Times) prepares the machine to di-vide the contents of the selected register by the con-tents of the next addressed register and multiply thequotient by the third addressed register. The answeris placed in the A register.54