SUMMARY OF OPERATION 55(cm BL la ^is) Ql) Q^ (seq) ^pJ (pt^ (kb) (dtr) f J (deu@0© 0^^ eeo000 \000\ 00©©e000000O\©e©Figure 5 5. Keyboard of IBM 610V (Square Root) takes the square root of thecontents of the selected register and places the an-swer in the A register.CNV (Convert) changes the sign of the numberin the selected register.CLR (Clear) changes the contents of the selectedregister to all zeros.COPY (Copy) clears the contents of the selectedregister and replaces them by the contents of the nextaddressed register.CLR RH (Clear Right Half) changes the contentsof the right (lower) half of the selected register tozeros.SL (Shift Left) causes the contents of the selectedregister to be shifted to the left one place.SR (Shift Right) causes the contents of the selectedregister to be shifted one place to the right.SL JJ (Shift Left 15). This operation has two dif-ferent effects depending upon whether the machineis in the auto-point mode or the fixed-point mode. Inthe auto-point mode, the contents of the selectedregister is shifted to the left:a. Until a non-zero number is in the high-orderposition of the upper half of the selected register,(or)b. Until the position containing the decimalpoint is shifted next to the sign position of theselected register (left-hand standard),(or)c. Until fifteen shifts to the left have takenplace in the selected register.In the fixed-point mode, the machine always shiftsthe contents of the selected register fifteen positionsto the left.SR 15 (Shift Right 15). This operation has twoeffects depending upon whether the machine isin the auto-point mode or the fixed-point mode. Inthe auto-point mode, the contents of the selected reg-ister is shifted to the right:a. Until the decimal point is in the high-orderposition of the lower half of the selected register(right-hand standard),(or)b. No effect if the decimal point is in the lowerhalf of the selected register,(or)c Until fifteen shifts to the right have takenplace in the selected register.In the fixed-point mode, the machine always shiftsthe contents of the selected register fifteen places tothe right.Release KeyThe REL command drops out any operation keypreviously depressed, releases the selected register andmakes A the selected register, all output devices thatare on are turned off. In the event that the opera-tor has selected an incorrect register (partially orcompletely) , the rel key will release it and select theA register. All operations will be released by depress-ing this key.