24 IBM 6 10Deleting Characters on Tape©(Delete)If the operator punches a digit or digits or an op-eration symbol into the tape incorrectly, he uses thedelete instruction to make that section of the tapenon-effective.When this key is depressed, it causes the tape tobe punched in all channels on that segment underthe punch head. The operator will normally backspacethe tape manually until the incorrect section is underthe punch head and then depress the delete key.If the operator is typing the program as he punchesit, slashes will be printed through the incorrect sym-bols when DEL is depressed. If an operation has a two-position tape symbol, both positions must be deleted.Incorrect Key DepressionOccasionally during the calculation of a problem,the operator may depress the incorrect digit for aregister selection or an incorrect operation key. Inorder to negate such a register selection or operation,the operator depresses the following key:©(Release)The depression of this key tells the machine to re-lease the incorrect operation or register selection. TheA register is selected by this key depression. The opera-tor must now depress the correct digits to select thecorrect register, if that was the error. If the operatorhas depressed the incorrect operation key, he mustre-select the correct register (even though it had beencorrectly selected) and then depress the correct op-eration key.Examples:1. If the operator depresses the operation key \/ bymistake when he meant to divide in the sequence 08-^ 09,then he must depress rel, then 08 -f- 09.2. If the operator selects the register 15 when he meantto select 14, he depresses rel, then 14 and proceeds asthough nothing had happened.interrupting Automatic Operation(Interrupt)Two other keys on the keyboard allow the opera-tor to interrupt and restart a program at any time.The automatic programming will stop so that theoperator may investigate the contents of various reg-isters, etc., before resuming calculation. Careful op-erating procedure is required to insure that theprogram starts again at the right place.The depression of this key while the 610 is under au-tomatic control tells the machine to stop and to standready to accept instructions from the keyboard. Whenthis key is depressed, the int light on the keyboardcomes on. If the automatic program is in the midst ofan operation, the operation light will also come on.The OPERATION light Tnust be turned off before any-thing else is done from the keyboard. To do this, theINT key is held down and the rsm key is repeatedlydepressed until the operation light goes off. The op-erator should then carefully record the register stand-ing selected, as indicated on the calculator light panel,before attempting to examine the contents of storageregisters or perform any other operations from thekeyboard. While the machine is in the interruptedstate, the operation light will be on when the machineis instructed to perform an operation, thus warningthe operator not to resume until he completes theoperation or releases the machine.Note: The int key is the only manual transferto the KB while the ptr, DTR, or cp is in control.