OUTPUT DEVICES 47Data Tape CorrectionAny symbol punched on the data tape may be de-leted by manually positioning the tape, turning onthe data tape punch by depressing the dtp key, anddepressing the del key on the keyboard. Depressingthe REL key will turn off the punch. When the datapunch is duplicating symbols read by the data reader,it will not duplicate the deleted characters that nowhave all 6 channels punched.Tape Word-End and Group-End SymbolsEight-ChannelAt the end of each word placed on the data tape,the machine automatically inserts a word-end symbol.This tape symbol is actually a combination of twosymbols regularly used. They are the symbols forSEQ and TAB.To end a group of data, the sequence instruc-tion is used with an associated sequence number.It is not possible to punch the sequence symbol intothe data tape directly and the control panel must beused to accomplish this. The program to be wired intothe control panel is:DTP (turn on Data Punch)PCH SEQ1OUT OFF (turn off Data Punch)A full description of the control-panel wiring isgiven in the control-panel section. The eight-channeltape is shown in Figure 52.Five-ChannelAt the end of each word on five-channel data tape,the machine automatically inserts a word-end symbol.The word-end symbol is the same as in eight-channeltape except that an additional ent command occurs aspart of the five-channel word-end symbol. In five-channel operation, three non-numerical symbols areneeded for format control. If the machine is punchingfive-channel tape, when the data tape punch is turnedon by the dtp command, an ent symbol is auto-matically punched into the data tape. Thus, the num-bers on five-channel data tape are separated by thetape symbols for seq, tab and ent (three non-numerical symbols). The ent symbol is not recog-nized by the 610 when five-channel tape is read.It is recommended that any program processing datafrom five-channel tape include a checking routineto insure accuracy of the data being processed.In order to end a group of data on five-channeltape, a slightly more complex group end symbol isnecessary. The control panel must be used to get thisgroup end symbol into the data tape. The programto be wired into the control panel is:DTP (turn on Data Punch)PCH SEQENTENT1PCH SEQTABOUT OFFII III• • •••I I III• • • •I I I•••• II II• ••• ••III I II••• ••••III III••• ••• • ••• > I I•• •••• ••••• • •§§ li §g•^u^fncgrvCTi^vomrgirtivopo + f>iCQfO'*M «ooo\WrtNiN'*fo«fvi«inFigure 52. Word and Group-End Symbols in Eight-Channel Tape