32 IBM 6 10The wiring is shown in Figure 24.This series of steps suggests one of the importantuses of the control panel—an iterative loop. That is, aseries of steps may be repeated a number of times.Usually, however, it is necessary to repeat the stepsonly a specific number of times, or until a certainmathematical value is derived, at which time the com-puter exits the loop. Methods for getting out of theloop will be explained as applications are developed inthe following pages.QRsTUVwXYzAAABACADAEAFAGAHAJAKFigure 24. Program Skip WiringType Suppression Hubs(Figure 23, Upper Center Portion)There are three pairs of typ sup hubs: 0, +, and —.When the ( + ) hubs are bridged (wired together),the typewriter will not type the plus sign. Similarly,if the (-) hubs are bridged, the minus sign will besuppressed. If the (0) hubs are bridged, all zeros tothe left of the most significant digit will be sup-pressed.Sequence HubsThe sequence (seq) hubs on the control panel(Figure 21) can be made to serve as source hubs.For example, if seq 17 is read from the program tape,the pair of hubs seq 17 will emit an impulse whichmay be used in the same manner as a program steppulse. One common use is to cause the program unitin the control panel to skip to a particular section ofthe control panel for execution of a given subroutine,such as computing Sin X, Cos X, etc. At the end ofthe subroutine, control may be transferred to theprogram tape reader (Figure 25). It is not necessaryto turn control of the machine over to the controlpanel to use the seq hubs (and certain other hubs on17 16 19 20 21 22Figure 25. Use of Sequence Hubs