CONTROL DEVICES 39one digit, the operator leaves unwired the followingfunction hubs according to the number of digits hewishes to read out. If the operator desires to read outfive digits, the first source hub (program-step) im-pulses 1 DIG for the first digit, four program step hubsare left unwired and then the next program step hubis wired to the out off hub to terminate the one digitread out. A SL 15 instruction should precede single-digit read-out in the auto-point mode (as is explainedin the section on output).The commands for typing the first three digits ofregister 14, for example, would be:14CR(1dig) (blank) (blank) (out off)The wiring for this procedure is shown in Fig-ure 39.PTPFigure 40. Program Tape Punch (B, 15, 16)Program Punch (Figure 40)The pair of hubs labeled ptp in the group of func-tion hubs, when impulsed, enables the program punchto record a number being entered or read out, therebytemporarily transforming the program punch intoan auxiliary data punch. During this interval, thecharacteristics of the program punch are identicalwith those of the data tape punch. The controls ex-ercised over the program punch by the punch andDUP switches on the keyboard and the ptp hub areindependent.f^H^CFigure 41. Punch Sequence (A 11, 12)10 II 12 13 14 15 l« 17 IS 19 20 21 22Figure 39. Wiring for Single Digit Read-OutPunch Sequence (in group of function hubs)(Figure 41)When these hubs are impulsed, it becomes possibleto punch sequence symbols (e. g., seq 06) on the datatape under control of the control panel. Such symbolsmay be used to mark the end of a group of data onthe tape. When the pch seq hub is impulsed after thedata tape punch is turned on, the tape code corre-sponding to SEQ is punched into the tape. The twodigits following seq are entered by impulsing control-panel digit hubs. Because punching into the data tapeis normally terminated by punching the sign of thenumber, and we are not terminating a number at thistime, we impulse the cut-off hubs to turn off thedata tape punch.OUT OFFO OFigure 42. Out-Off Hubs (C IS, 16)Out-Off (Output-Off Hubs) (Figure 42)These hubs (in the function hub group), whenimpulsed, turn off any or all output devices that maybe on at the moment. They can be used when theusual methods of turning off an output device are not