PROGRAMMING THE 610 65Example of Second Type of CalculationSuppose an operator wishes to evaluate a third-degree polynomialCsY* + C^y^^ + C^y + C^This can be expressed as[(Csy + C2)y + C,]y + C,The operator decides that the constants Cq, C^, Cj,and C3 are to be stored in storage registers 01, 02, 03,and 04, respectively. The value of y to be used in theevaluation is stored in register 05. The coding is asfollows:0102030405ENT CoENT CiENT C2ENT C3ENT y04 X 05 04 is selected and its contents (C3)multiplied by y. The result is in the A register, Aregister is selected.-]r03 C2 is added to contents of A register.X05 The product (Cgy + C2)y is formed in theA register, A is selected.-\-02 Cj is added to the contents of the A regis-ter.X05 The product (Cgy + C2)y + Cjy is formedin A register. A register selected.-\-01 Finally Cq is added to the product. A regis-ter selected.CR Typewriter on, carriage returned. A registerstill selected.RO The contents of the A register are read outto the typewriter.For uniformity and convenience, a program sheethas been set up to ease programming. Both programshave been written on this program sheet to illustrateits use (Figures 57 and 58).Instr.No. CI. FirstReg. Oper. SecondReg.Reg. Sel.After REMARKS0/ £wr Co02 ENT C,03 ENT Ct.0^ ENT C305 ENT Y04 X 05 A CsY Developed+ 03 A CiYi-Cg. Oeve/op««/ ih AX 05 A (CiYi-C2)Y+ 0% A (C3Y+C3.)Yi-C,X 05 A C(C3Y + Ci)Y+C,lY+ 01 A i:(C3Y+Cz)Y*C.]Y + CoCH Tuth Oft iypeuf-ifer, i-«.fu>-n carr/«oe.HO Rcid out /«/«« »( ptl——c—f. :Figure 5 8. Program for Evaluating a Polynomial