IBM 610 Manual Of Operation
Also see for 610: Technical overview and introduction
CONTROL DEVICES 31Suppose the operator wishes to go to a sub-routinewired on the control panel beginning at programSTEP hub E-20. He may give a sequence command,say SEQ 15. The seq 15 hub on the control panel emitsan impulse, which is wired through a program skiphub to a PROGRAM STEP hub E-19; E-20 will be thefirst program step executed under control of the con-trol panel.I '0 I' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22oEts, it!i jaj4 ,4!^,CLR RM -r X COPYO O O O O—O O OCNV X +Pg^Q PTR KB OTRPTP TYP DTPOUT OFF TAB CRo—o o—o o oENT HEL19 20 21 22Figure 22. Function Hubs Figure 23. Wiring of 02 ENT KBFunction HubsAt the top of the panel is a set of function hubscorresponding, with a few exceptions, to the keys onthe manual keyboard and arranged in approximatelythe same way. There are two hubs for each function,and these hubs are connected by a solid line (Fig-ur^22).02 ENT KBThis instruction on the program tape causes themachine to select the 02 register, clear it, and trans-fer control to the manual keyboard so that the opera-tor can insert numerical data. After terminating theentry with an algebraic sign, the operator then sendscontrol back to the program tape by depressing thePTR key. To make the machine perform these opera-tions under control-panel control, the operator doesthe following wiring:From PROGRAM STEP A-2 to FUNCTION hubFrom PROGRAM STEP A- 3 to FUNCTION hub 2From PROGRAM STEP A-4 to FUNCTION hub ENTFrom PROGRAM STEP A- 5 to FUNCTION hub KB(Shown in Figure 23)As the PROGRAM STEP hubs A-2 and A-3 emit im-pulses in succession, the machine selects the 02 regis-ter. On step A-4, the machine is prepared for theentry of data. On step A- 5 the machine transfers con-trol to the manual keyboard and stops. After theoperator enters the appropriate numerical informa-tion, he depresses the key marked CP, transferringcontrol back to the control panel. The control paneltakes up the program from the step where it left off,emitting from steps A-6, A-7, etc.Note: When the keyboard or program tape exe-cutes an operation, the corresponding function hubon the control panel emits an impulse.Program Skip HubsUnless instructed to the contrary, the program stephubs are energized in sequence, starting over auto-matically with step A-1 after H-25. However, amechanism is provided whereby the operator maycause the 610 to skip from any program step to anyother program step on the control panel and to takeup from there the routine of energizing program stephubs in sequence. This is accomplished by means ofthe fifteen pairs of program skip hubs located at thebottom center of the control panel. They are arrangedin associated pairs of in and out hubs. If the operatorwishes to cause a jump from program step A-2 5 backto STEP A- 8, he connects the step A-2 5 to the in ter-minal of one of the program skip pairs, say programSKIP 1, and the out terminal of program skip 1 toprogram step A- 8. The out terminal is connectedto the program step immediately preceding the firststep the operator wishes to be executed. In this case,the operator wanted program step A-9 to be thenext step executed. The Program Step hub connectedto a program skip out hub cannot be used for anyother purpose. |
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