Operator ControlsThe 7208 Tape Drive has the following operator controls.Power SwitchThe power switch (1 in Figure 1 on page 1) is a push button switch that enablesthe power to be turned on or off. When the 7208 Tape Drive is on, the power-onlight 2 is on.Note: The symbol beside the power switch is an International Organization forStandardization (ISO) symbol for a push button switch.Unload ButtonThe unload button 3 enables a tape cartridge to be ejected. The unload buttonoperates only when the 7208 Tape Drive power is on. To remove a tape cartridge,press and hold the unload button for about one second.Indicator LightsThe 7208 Model 345 Tape Drive has the following indicator lights.Power-On LightWhen the 7208 Tape Drive is turned on, the power-on light 2 comes on and stayson.Status LightsThree status lights 4 and their ISO symbols appear on the 7208 Tape Drive asfollows:The combinations of the lights and their definitions are shown in Table 1.Table 1. Status Lights on the 7208 Tape DriveStatus Lights Status Status of 7208 Tape DriveFault On The Power-On Self Test (POST) is running.Ready OnActivity OnFault Off or OnOne of the following conditions exists:v The power is off (Fault light is off).v The POST has completed successfully, butno tape cartridge has been inserted. If theFault light is on, cleaning is required. See“Cleaning the Tape Drive” on page 8.Ready OffActivity Off2 7208 Model 345 Service Guide