v To move the supply reel motor:a. On the bottom of the drive, locate the hole marked UNLOAD (1 inFigure 17) and cut the seal above the hole.b. Insert a non-metallic probe (such as the wooden end of a swab)approximately 0.64 cm (0.25 in.) into the UNLOAD hole and position it sothat it rests on the inner flange 2.c. Gently push the flange with the probe in the direction marked on thedrive (clockwise).d. Repeat the preceding step until there is no slack in the tape. This maytake many motions to retract all of the tape. Perform this motion untilyou feel a definite tightening in the flange tension.8. Ensure that the tape is fully retracted into the cartridge.Figure 17. Moving the Supply Reel Motor. The drive is turned upside down.Chapter 4. Removal and Replacement Procedures 33