Step 14This step verifies that the 7208 Tape Drive is properly configured to the hostsystem. Refer to your system manuals and the 7208 Model 345 8mm Tape DriveSetup and Operator Guide to determine whether the 7208 Tape Drive is properlyconfigured.Does the 7208 Tape Drive that you are configuring appear under the Descriptioncolumn, and can it be powered off and on successfully?NO Go to Step 15.YES Go to Step 16.Step 15This step verifies whether the 7208 Tape Drive can communicate with the hostsystem. Refer to your system manuals for instructions about determining if thehost system is communicating with the 7208 Tape Drive.Are the 7208 Tape Drive and the host system communicating?NO Contact your service personnel for further instructions.YES Go to Step 16.Step 16This step runs the AIX diagnostics.Run the diagnostics on the 7208 Tape Drive. Have the test cartridge available forwhen the diagnostics prompt you to load the cartridge. From the AIX commandprompt, type:diagand then press Enter. For additional instructions on running diagnostics, refer toyour AIX manuals.Do all of the diagnostics routines pass?NO Replace the FRU isolated by the diagnostics and identified by the servicerequest number.Note: If the drive is the FRU isolated by the diagnostics, check that the J1connector is properly seated. If the drive has recently been replacedbecause of a similar problem, contact your service personnel.YES If no problem was identified, the problem may be intermittent, related tothe tape quality, or relating to the environment. If a FRU was replaced orchanged and no more errors occur, the problem is fixed.This completes the MAPs.24 7208 Model 345 Service Guide