SoftwareYour IBM computer comes with Microsoft®Windows 2000®Professional 1preinstalled with the option of changing your operating system to Windows NT®Workstation.In addition to your operating system, a variety of other software programs comeswith your computer, such as application programs, diagnostic tools, and devicedrivers. Some of the software is preinstalledon your computer, and some software ison the CDs that comes with your computer.Important:The software, other than the Microsoft operating system, is licensed under theterms of the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs. Use ofyour computer signifies acceptance of this license agreement. For detailedinstructions about viewing the license agreement, see “Appendix D. Viewing theInternational License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs” on page 117.Preinstalled softwareIn addition to the Microsoft operating system, your preinstalled software includesthe following programs:v Access IBM provides links to selected IBM Web sites and the IBM Assistant, ahelp system for many end-user tasks. Access IBM also provides shortcuts to helpaccomplish many of these tasks.v Adobe Acrobat Reader is used to read portable document format (PDF) files.You can download the most current versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader for otherlanguages and operating systems from the Adobe Web site at on the World Wide Web.v ConfigSafe is a comprehensive configuration tracking and recovery tool. Itprovides features that you can use to restore your system if your desktopbecomes damaged, unusable, or unstartable.v IBM Backup and Restore program creates and stores a backup image of theprimary partition (drive C) of your hard disk drive. You can recover this backupimage, in the event that drive C becomes damaged or unusable.v IBM Registration program can be used to register your computer with IBM.When you register your computer with IBM, information is entered into an IBMdatabase, which enables IBM to contact you in case of a recall or other severeproblem. In addition, some locations offer extended privileges and services toregistered users.v Online Books enable you to access documentation that contains detailedinformation about your computer.v PC-Doctor for Windows is a program to help you locate and resolve someproblems that might occur with your computer.v Product Recovery Program enables you to recover the Windows 2000 orWindows NT operating systems and other software programs.You must have Internet access to use some of these programs. For moreinformation about connecting to the Internet, refer to the operating systemdocumentation that comes with your computer.1. The Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity is your assurance that the Windows software in your computer is legally licensed fromMicrosoft Corporation.4 IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro: User’s Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846