See “Chapter 2. Setting up your computer” on page 9 for additional informationabout your preinstalled software. For more information about using the recoveryprograms and solving problems, see “Chapter 6. Solving problems” on page 77.Important:1. No backup diskettes for your preinstalled software come with your computer.However, you can reinstall the device drivers and applications that comepreinstalled on your computer from the directories on your hard disk drive. Formore information on recovering your computer software, see “Recovering youroperating system and preinstalled software” on page 99.2. The device drivers and some programs are also available at on the World Wide Web and on the DeviceDriversand IBM Enhanced DiagnosticsCD.Software Selections CDThe Software Selections CD contains application programs and support software foruse with your computer, such as:IBM Universal ManageabilityServicesUM Services streamline and automate personalcomputer (PC) systems management and support tasks,such as asset deployment and tracking.IBM Update Connector™ You can use IBM Update Connector to downloadsoftware programs, software updates, data, and dataupdates from IBM via the Internet. Update Connectorautomatically determines whether your computer needsavailable updates and, if so, it downloads and installsthem at your option.Netscape Communicator You can use Netscape Communicator to navigate yourcompany intranet or the World Wide Web. NetscapeCommunicator provides a full suite of Internetfunctions, including e-mail, threaded discussion groups(newsgroups), and support for the latest features on theWorld Wide Web.Norton AntiVirus for IBM You can use Norton AntiVirus for IBM to detect andremove viruses from your computer.For more information about installing software using the Software Selections CD, see“Appendix A. Using the Software Selections CD” on page 109.Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation E Pro models 5