Line outThis connector is used to send audio signals from the computer to external devices,such as powered speakers with built-in amplifiers, headphones, multimediakeyboards, or the audio Line in jack on a stereo system.Line inThis connector is used to accept audio signals from external devices, such as lineoutput from a stereo, television, or a musical instrument, into the computer soundsystem.MicThis connector is used to connect a microphone to your computer when you wantto record voice or other sounds on the hard disk. This connector and a microphonecan also be used by speech recognition software.Note: If you experience interference or speaker feedback while recording, tryreducing the microphone recording volume (gain).MIDIThe musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) connector allows your computer tointeract with musical instruments and other musical equipment.Managing your computerYour computer comes with features that a network administrator or file server canuse to remotely manage and control your computer.IBM Universal Manageability Services (UM Services) streamline and automatepersonal computer (PC) systems management and support tasks, such as assetdeployment and tracking. These utilities are available for IBM PCs at no additionalcharge, helping to reduce total cost of ownership of your networked computers sothat you can focus vital company resources on essential business activities.Go to on the World Wide Weband select Products/downloads for more information about available systemmanagement programs.Wake on LANA network administrator can use Wake on LAN to turn on your computer from aremote location. When Wake on LAN is used with network management software,many functions, such as data transfers, software updates, and POST or BIOSupdates to your computer, can be initiated remotely.Note: If the computer power cord is plugged into a surge protector or power strip,make sure that when you turn off power, you turn off the computer powerbutton and not the surge protector or power strip switch. Otherwise, theWake on LAN feature will not work.Remote Program Load or Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocolA network administrator can use Remote Program Load (RPL) or Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol (DHCP) to control your computer. If you use RPL withsoftware, such as IBM LANClient Control Manager, you can use a feature called22 IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro: User’s Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846