v PCI expansion slots 1 through 5 are on PCI bus 0 . The system scans the AGPslot and PCI slots 1 through 5 to assign system resources; then, the system starts(boots) the PCI devices in the following order, if you have not changed thedefault boot sequence : PCI slots 1 and 2, system board integrated driveelectronics (IDE) or SCSI devices, and then PCI slots 3 through 5.Note: To change the boot sequence for PCI devices, start theConfiguration/Setup Utility program, select Start Options from the mainmenu, select Startup Sequence; then, select Second device (SCSI) todesignate the adapter boot sequence. See “Chapter 4. Configuring yourcomputer” on page 27 for details on using the Configuration/SetupUtility program.v For a list of supported options for your computer, refer tohttp://www.ibm.com/pc/support on the World Wide Web.Installing an adapterComplete the following steps to install an adapter.AdapterretainingbracketExpansionslot coverAdaptersupportbracketAdapterAttention: When you handle ESD-sensitive devices, take precautions to avoiddamage from static electricity. For details on handling these devices, see “Handlingstatic-sensitive devices” on page 38.1. Review the safety precautions listed in “Safety information” on page 39.2. Remove any media (diskettes, CDs, or tapes) from the drives and shut downyour operating system.3. Turn off the computer and attached devices and disconnect all external cablesand power cords; then, remove the side cover. For more information aboutremoving the side cover, see “Removing the side cover” on page 45.4. Determine which PCI expansion slot you will use for the adapter.48 IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro: User’s Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846