AFL2-12A-D525 Series Panel PCPage 96 Off Does not enable the keyboard Number Lockautomatically. To use the 10-keys on the keyboard,press the Number Lock key located on the upperleft-hand corner of the 10-key pad. The NumberLock LED on the keyboard lights up when theNumber Lock is engaged. Quiet Boot [Enabled]Use the Quiet Boot BIOS option to select the screen display when the system boots. Disabled Normal POST messages displayed Enabled D EFAULT OEM Logo displayed instead of POST messages Launch PXE OpROM [Disabled]Use the Launch PXE OpROM option to enable or disable boot option for legacy networkdevices. Disabled D EFAULT Ignore all PXE Option ROMs Enabled Load PXE Option ROMs Boot Option #1 [Generic STORAGE DE…]Use Boot Option #1 to enable or disable booting from the detected drive. GenericSTORAGE DE…D EFAULT Enables booting from the detected storagedevice. Disabled Disables boot option. Hard Drive BBS PrioritiesUse Hard Drive BBS Priorities option to set the system boot order.