509DTMF MEMORY ENCODER9D Manual transmissionz Deactivate the DTMF memory encoder bypushing [FUNC] then [SET B(D-OFF)].x Push [DTMF-S] to turn the DTMF direct selec-tion ON.• The function indicator (microphone) lights green.c Push one of “0” to “9” and “A” to “F” keys mo-mentarily, then push the desired DTMF keys,0–9 and A to F.• A: [CLR A(MW)] B: [ SET B(D-OFF)],C: [ENT C(T-OFF)] D: [ SQLY D(MUTE)],E: [MM(TONE-1)] F: [ SQLZ #(16KEY-L)]• Automatically transmits without pushing PTT.• The first code, one of “0” to “9” and “A” to “F,” is nottransmitted. DTMF code transmission starts fromthe 2nd code.v Push [DTMF-S] again to deactivate the DTMFdirect selection. DTMF speedThe rate at which DTMF memories send individual DTMFcharacters can be set to accommodate operating needs.q Push [PWR] for 1 sec. to turn power OFF.w While pushing [SET•LOCK], push [PWR] for 1 sec. to turnpower ON and enter initial set mode.e Push [SET•LOCK] or [S.MW•MW] several times until“DTD” appears as shown above.r Rotate [DIAL] to select the desired speed as shown in thetable below.t Push [PWR] to exit initial set mode.cps=characters/secThe display shows the fastestDTMF speed is selected.USING INITIAL SET MODEDTMF-S