7 OTHER FUNCTIONS7-14■ Receive history log (Continued)D RX History screen (P25)q History number (RX01~50)w Received date and timee Receive frequencyr Receive modet Network Access Codey Caller’s IDu Called station’s ID (Call type)Call Type: “ALL,” “IND” (Individual) or “GRP” (Group)D RX History screen (dPMR Tier1)q History number (RX01~50)w Received date and timee Receive frequencyr Receive modet Common IDD RX History screen (dPMR Tier2 Mode1/Mode2)q History number (RX01~50)w Received date and timee Receive frequencyr Receive modet Identification numbery Caller’s IDu Called station’s IDqwertyuqwertqwertyu