vINTRODUCTIONEntering and editing text (Continued)D Usable charactersThe usable characters and symbols, and the maximum characters differ, depending onthe item. See the following list for details.Category Item Character type MaximumcharactersIllegalcharacters Ref.Memory mode Memory name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 –p. ?-?Bank name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 –Program scan Scan name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 –P-LINK Scan Link name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 –SD Card Save Setting [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20 / : ; * < > p. ?-?Export [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 20 / : ; * < > p. ?-?GPS Memory Memory name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 – p. ?-?Group name [AB] [ab] [12] [!”#] 16 – p. ?-?Bluetooth ® Device name [AB] [ab] [12] 8 – p. ?-?[AB]: A to Z, 0 to 9, (space)[ab]: a to z, 0 to 9, (space)[12]: 0 to 9, (space)[!”#]: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ˜ (space)