7 OTHER FUNCTIONS7-42• D-STAR GPS/D-PRS dataCommand: 20 0301, 20 0302Data number and description:Data number Description00 D-PRS–Position01 D-PRS–Object02 D-PRS–Item03 D-PRS–Weather• GPS/D-PRS data— Position!1@7 @8#9 $0 $1 $2@3 ~ @6q ~ o !0 !2 ~ !6!7 ~ @2@9 ~ #1 #2 ~ #8• • •• • •X X X XX XX XX XX XDataNo.• • • X XX X • • • X XX XX X• • • X XX XX X • • • X XX XX X X XX XX X0 0q ~ o: Call sign/SSID (9 ASCII characters (A ~ Z, 0 ~ 9, /, -, space))!0, !1: Symbol (2 ASCII characters (00h ~ EFh))!2 ~ !6: Latitude (dd°mm.mmm format)!7 ~ @2: Longitude (ddd°mm.mmm format)@3 ~ @6: Altitude (0.1 meter steps)@7, @8: Course (1 degree steps)@9 ~ #1: Speed (0.1 km/h steps)#2 ~ #8: Date (UTC:yyyymmddHHMMSS)* y: Year, m: Month, d: Day,H: Hour, M: Minute, S: Second#9: Power (see the table to the right)$0: Height (see the table to the right)$1: Gain (see the table to the right)$2: Directivity (see the table to the right)L The item that is not contained the received data is filled with “FF.”■ CI-V informationD Commands (Continued)ItemDataPower(W)Height(m/ft)Gain(dB)Directivity(deg)0 0 3/10 0 Omnidirectional1 1 6/20 1 45°NE2 4 12/40 2 90°E3 9 24/80 3 135°SE4 16 49/160 4 180°S5 25 98/320 5 225°SW6 36 195/640 6 270°W7 49 390/1280 7 315°NW8 64 780/2560 8 360°N9 81 1561/5120 9 –