7 OTHER FUNCTIONS7-29■ CI-V informationD CI-V data settingSet the IC-R30’s address, data transfer speed and transceive function. See page 6-20 toset the CI-V settings using the MENU list screen.([MENU] > Function > CI-V)Before connecting the IC-R30 to a PC using the supplied USB cable, set the “USBConnect” item to “Serialport,” and set the “USB Serialport Function” to “CI-V (Echo BackON)” or “CI-V (Echo Back OFF),” to enable the serial communication with a PC.([MENU] > Function > USB Connect)([MENU] > Function > USB Serialport Function)D Connecting to a PCYou can control the IC-R30 from a PC, through the supplied USB cable.Using the Icom Communications Interface-V (CI-V) serial communication interface, youcan set the receive frequency, mode, and so on.L You need to install the USB driver first. (p. 7-21)IC-R30To a USB portPCSupplied USB cable