81PANEL DESCRIPTION123456789101112131415161718192021➥ Clears a digit before entry. (p. 00)➥ Cancels the scan, priority watch orDTMF memory function. (pgs. 00, 00)➥ Exit set mode (p. 00)➥ Increases the set mode selection orderafter entering set mode. (p. 00)Enters set mode and advances the setmode selection.➥ Sets the keypad for numeral input(p. 00)➥ Decreases the set mode selection orderafter entering set mode.Adjusts the squelch level increments.(p. 00)No primary function.Adjusts the squelch level decrement.➥ Writes memory contents into the callchannel. (p. 00)➥ Advances the memory channel numberwhen continuously pushed after pro-gramming is completed. (p. 00)DTMF memory OFF.Turns the subaudible tone encoder, pocketbeep or CTCSS/DTCS tone squelch OFF.(pgs. 00, 00, 00)Mutes the audio. (p. 00)• Mute function is released when any operationis performed.Locks the digit keys on the keypad (includ-ing the A to D, # and M keys. (p. 14)Sends a 1750 Hz tone signal for 0.5 sec.(p. 00)After :Transmits the appropriateDTMF code. (p. 00)[A] to [D] transmit DTMFmemories. (p. 00)KEY FUNCTION SECONDARY FUNCTION (after ) OTHER FUNCTIONS