Using the ECU and SCSI Utilities 4-33Pressing Esc displays the following:Save Changes Made?YesNoSelecting No takes you back to the Options screen.Selecting Yes saves your changes and reboots your systemafter you press any key when the following message is dis-played:Please Press any Key to RebootFor the Additional Options settings, use the arrow keys tomove the cursor to the parameter, press Enter to display theoption’s submenu, make your changes, and press Esc toexit. Press F6 to reset to the Host Adapter defaults.The following tables summarize the SCSI Device Configu-ration Option and the Advanced Configuration Option sub-menu parameters.SCSI Device Configuration OptionsPARAMETERS OPTIONS DESCRIPTIONInitiate SyncNegotiationYes (default)NoEnables or disables the syncnegotiation for each SCSI device.Maximum SyncTransfer Rate10.0 (default) maximum sync transfer rate foreach SCSI device.EnableDisconnectionYes (default)NoEnables or disables the SCSIdevice.Note: The following options have no effect if the BIOS is disabled.Send Start UnitCommandYes (default)NoEnables or disables the motor startcommand for each SCSI device.Include in BIOSScanYes (default)NoEnables or disables the BIOS scanfunction.