A-4 Setting Up a Healthy Work Environmentn Adjust the monitor so that the top of the screen is at orslightly below eye level when you sit at the keyboard.This allows your neck to be in a neutral position. Youreyes should look slightly downward (at a 15 degreeangle) at the screen.n Position your monitor so your eyes are 18 to 28 inchesfrom the screen.n Relax and rest your eyes periodically by looking awayfrom the screen and focusing on an object at least 20 feetaway. Blink often. Make opthalmological care part ofyour regular health care program.n Use the monitor’s brightness and contrast controls forgood character and image quality.n Keep the monitor at a 90 degree angle to windows orlight sources to minimize glare and reflections on thescreen. Adjust the monitor so that overhead lights do notreflect on your screen.n If necessary, use an anti-glare filter on your screen.Clean the anti-glare filter regularly.n Maintain proper lighting at all times.n Clean your screen regularly to minimize dust.n Use a document holder placed close to your screen.n Position whatever you are looking at predominantly (thescreen or reference material) in front of you so you donot need to turn your head to either side while typing.Adjusting the Keyboard and MouseWhen setting up the keyboard and mouse, use the followingguidelines.