Using NEC Utilities and Drivers 5-3Ballistic arguments include the following:BHIGH — sets the ballistic effect to its highest setting.BLOW — sets the ballistic effect to its lowest setting.BON — enables the ballistic effect.BOFF — disables the ballistic effect.n Driver orientation (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST,WEST) — You can use this parameter to change the di-rection in which the screen cursor moves when you movethe mouse. For most situations, keep the default parame-ter (NORTH).With the driver orientation set to the default, NORTH,the mouse buttons point away from your wrist so thatyour fingers rest on top of the buttons. The mouse'scompass direction south points towards your wrist; eastpoints towards your right; west towards the left. Thescreen cursor moves in the same direction that yourmouse moves.With the driver orientation set to the default, NORTH,the cursor moves in the following directions in responseto the mouse movement:NORTH — moves the cursor to the top of the screen.SOUTH — moves the cursor to the bottom of the screen.EAST — moves the cursor to the right.WEST — moves the cursor to the left.n Sensitivity level (Sn) — defines how fast and responsivethe mouse movement is for the application. This parame-ter sets the relationship between how fast you move themouse to how fast the cursor moves.