Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment A-3Adjusting Your ChairYour chair should be adjustable and should keep your bodysupported in an upright position. Adjust the backrest to fitthe lower part of your back. Maintain a comfortable, stable,and upright position while seated. Check the following:n Position the backrest to support the inward curve ofyour lower back. While sitting, tilt the backrest at a 100to 110 degree angle to transfer the weight of your upperbody away from your spine to the backrest.n Make sure the depth of your seat allows your lower backto make contact with the backrest. Check that it does notallow pressure to your calves.n Keep the angle between your thigh and lower leg slightlymore than 90 degrees.n Place your feet flat and firmly on the floor to providestability and reduce pressure to the underside of thethighs. Only use a footrest when all other attempts atadjusting your chair and monitor fail.n Ensure that you have adequate clearance between the topof your thighs and the bottom of your work table.n Take a break and vary your position throughout the day.POSITIONING YOUR MONITORCorrect monitor placement and adjustment can reduce eyefatigue, as well as neck and shoulder fatigue. Check thefollowing when you set up your monitor.n Use an adjustable monitor stand, computer stand, ortable. If available, use the tilt and swivel feature toadjust the monitor.