1125. Using On-Screen M enu[MULTI SCREEN]WHITE BALANCEThis adjusts the white balance for each projector when projecting using a combination of several projectors.This can be adjusted when [MODE] is set to [ON].BRIGHTNESS W, BRIGHTNESS R, BRIGHTNESS G, BRIGHTNESS B������������������������������ Adjusting the black color of the video�CONTRAST W, CONTRAST R, CONTRAST G, CONTRAST B������������������������������ Adjusting the white color of the video�PICTURE SETTINGThis sets the division condition when projecting using a combination of several projectors.Please refer to “4. Multi-Screen Projection” (→ page 66) for details.MODE OFF Use the projector in a standalone state.ZOOM This adjusts the position and width of the video area that you wish to divide. The edgeblending width will also be automatically set to that width.TILING This assigns the divided screens to the projectors. The edge blending function will alsobe set automatically.ZOOM HORIZONTALZOOMThis maginifies the video area in the horizontal direction.VERTICALZOOMThis maginifies the video area in the vertical direction.HORIZONTALPOSITIONThis shifts the video area in the horizontal direction.VERTICAL PO-SITIONThis shifts the video area in the vertical direction.TILING WIDTH This selects the number of projectors to be arranged horizontally.HEIGHT This selects the number of projectors to be arranged vertically.HORIZONTALPOSITIONThis selects the position of the projector starting from the left among those arrangedhorizontally.VERTICAL PO-SITIONThis selects the position of the projector starting from the top among those arrangedvertically.