ERR005191Chip Errata for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6DualPlus/6QuadPlus, Rev. 6.1, 06/2016130 NXP SemiconductorsDescription:On short packets, the WC[15:0] header field delivers the actual data payload of the packet.However, In long packets, the same field is used to indicate the size of the packet’s payload. VideoMode packet scheduler prevents Generic long packets to be generated with a size higher than16’hFFEE. This size limit is imposed by the video mode packet scheduler since the maximum linesize is 16’hFFFF minus additional security margins. The core is incorrectly filtering the shortpackets with WC field higher than 16’hFFEE since the size protection is applied withoutconsidering that this field now contains data and not packet size. Short packet commands areerroneously transmitted in DSI link with WC field equal to 16’hFFEE when this value is higherthan 16’hFFEE.Projected Impact:Error in transmitting the package.Workarounds:If a generic short packet with packet data (WC fields) higher that 16’hFFEE is required, theapplication should disable the video mode transmission and use command mode transmission toissue the command.Proposed Solution:No fix scheduledLinux BSP Status:Software workaround not implemented in Linux BSP. Functionality or mode of operation in whichthe erratum may manifest itself is not used.ERR005191 MIPI: Corruption of short command packets with Word Count (WC)greater than 16’hFFEE, during video mode transmission by the MIPIGeneric Interface