A CCESS G ATEWAY96 System Administrationa. IPv6 Addr: 2001:428:4C05:87:2121:2222:2323:2424b. Prefix Length: 64c. Gateway: 2001:428:4c05:87::1 (the subscriber port address). This may need to beconfigured as a default route (ipv6 route ::/0 2001:428:4c05:87::1)d. DNS: 2001:4860:4860::8888 (The exact address does not matter since the WAN port’sDNS setting will be used.)5. Enable the feature under access control and set up allowed external access addresses.6. Set up any required routing on the host network.a. Unlike IPv4, under IPv6 we act as a router between the subscriber and network sides. Atthe present time the NSE does not support routing protocols, so it’s up to the host networkto route subscriber IPv6 traffic back to the NSE’s WAN port.b. In our example we have delegated 2001:428:4C05:80:: /60 to the NSE’s subscriber sides,and the NSE will use whichever it needs of those 16 addresses for the subscriber ports.c. The ROUTE only needs to tell the network router that all traffic for 2001:428:4C05:80:: /60should be sent to our WAN port IPv6 address. Depending on the network you might needto add a similar IPv6 route to a host computer on the WAN network for the same purpose.Link AggregationLink Aggregation provides improved throughput and link redundancy and does not require load balancing todo it. Aggregation combines two or more physical links into a single virtual link. However, since“conversations” must be transmitted on the same physical link, all the traffic from a subscriber will travel onthe same link. Loss/restoration of a physical link is detected and traffic is rerouted.• Two Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) are available, and can be used for WAN or Sub connectionsas desired. Nomadix LAGs support LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), so whenconfiguring the connecting switch you would choose “active” mode. LAGs are listed in the EthernetPorts / WAN listing like any other port.• Individual ports are set to AGG (Aggregated) mode and assigned to one of the two LAGs.• The LAG is then set to either WAN or SUB (or OOS).